- Kaniewski D., E. Paulissen, E. Van Campo, H. Weiss, T. Otto, J. Bretschneider & K. Van Lerberghe, Late Second-Early First Millennium BC Abrupt Climate Changes in Coastel Syria and their Possible Significance for the History of the Eastern Mediterranean, in: Quaternary Reasearch 74, 2010, 207-215.
- Bretschneider J. & Van Lerberghe K. (eds), In Search of Gibala, An archaeological and historical study based on eight seasons of excavations at Tell Tweini (Syria) in the A and C fields (1999-2007) (Aula Orientalis-Supplementa 24), Barcelona, 2008. see contents
- Kaniewski D., E. Paulissen, E. Van Campo, M. Al-Maqdissi, J. Bretschneider & K. Van Lerberghe, Middle East coastal ecosystem response to middle-to-late Holocene abrupt climate changes, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) vol. 105 no. 37, 2008, 13941-13946. lees
- Bretschneider J., K. Van Lerberghe, K. Vansteenhuyse & M. Maqdissi, The Late Bronze and Iron Age in the Jebleh Region: A View from Tell Tweini, in: H. Kühne, R.M. Czichon & F.J. Kreppner, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Wiesbaden, 2008, 33-46. lees
- Al-Maqdissi M., M. Badawy, J. Bretschneider, H. Hameeuw, G. Jans, K. Vansteenhuyse, G. Voet & K. Van Lerberghe, The Occupation Levels of Tell Tweini and their Historical Implications, in: R. Biggs, J. Myers & M. Roth (eds.), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Chicago, 2008, 341-350.
- Al-Maqdissi M., L’architecture religieuse dans la Plaine de Jablé. Recherches archéologiques récentes en Phénicie du Nord, in: La Méditerranée des Phéniciens de Tyr à Carthage, Paris 2008, 62-63.
- Al-Maqdissi M., Bretschneider J., Degryse P., Hameeuw H., Kaniewski D., Paulissen E., Van Simaeys S. and Van Lerberge K., Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain (Syria), Geophysical, Geomorphological, Palynological, Archaeological and Historical Research, Res Antiquae 4, 2007, 3-10. lees
- Al-Maqdissi M., Van Lerberghe K., Bretschneider J. & Badawi M., Tell Tweini, The Syro-Belgian Excavations, Les fouilles Syro-Belges, De Syro-Belgische opgravingen (Documents d’Archologie Syrienne X), Damascus, 2007. lees
- Saleh S. & Van Balen K. , The set of the Syrian Roman theatres in more recent built environments, in: Proceedings of Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference, Traditional Mediterranean Architecture; Present and Future, Barcelona, 2007, 390-392.
- Saleh S., The role of the Syrian government in preserving Cultural Heritage. Study Case the Roman theatres of Palmyra and Jebleh, in: Proceedings of the International symposium, Architectural Conservation, Opportunities and Challenges in the 21th Century, Dubai, 2007
- Bretschneider J. & Linsmeier K.-D. , Das Omen von Ugarit, in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft,Juli 2006, 64-70. lees
- Saleh S., Van Balen K. & Waelkens M. , The Syrian Roman Theatres after 50 years of Interventions, in: Proceedings of the International symposium, 30 years RLICC, The Conservation in Changing Societies, Leuven, 2006, 277-284.
- Bretschneider J., Al-Maqdissi M., Vansteenhuyse K. , Driessen J. & Van Lerberghe K., Tell Tweini, Ancient Gibala, in the Bronze Age, in: Agypten und Levante. Egypt and the Levant. International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines XIV, 2005, 215-30.
- Al-Maqdissi M., K. Van Lerberghe, J. Bretschneider & M. Badawi, Tell Toueini, in: G. Galliano & Y. Calvet (ed.), Le royaume d’Ougarit, Aux origines de l’alphabet, Lyon 2004, 60-61.
- Vansteenhuyse K., M. Al-Maqdissi & Van Lerberghe K. , Bronze and Iron Age Ceramics from Tell Tweini (Syria): Some Preliminary Results, in: Orient-Express. Notes et Nouvelles d’Archologie Orientale, 2002 (2), 39-44.
- Cunningham T. F., Bretschneider J. & Van Lerberghe K., A Phoenician Site at Tell Tweini, Jebleh in Syria, in: American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 105/1, 2001, 274 (abstract).
- Bretschneider J., Cunningham T. & Van Lerberghe K., Gibala. The First Two Excavations – 1999-2000, in: Ugarit Forschungen 31, 2000, 75-131.
In print
- Vansteenhuyse K., The Great House at Tell Tweini (Syria) and its Iron and Bronze Age Ceramics, in: Margueron J.C., P. de Miroschedji and J.P. Thalmann (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Paris 2004 (in print).
- H. Hameeuw, K. Vansteenhuyse, G. Jans, J. Bretschneider, K. Van Lerberghe, Living with the Dead. Tell Tweini: Middle Bronze Age Tombs in an Urban Context, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, 2006 (in print)
- Al-Maqdissi M., Van Lerberge K., Bretschneider J. & Badawi M., Tell Tweini Huit campagnes de fouilles syro-belges (1999-2007) (Documents d’Archologie Syrienne), Damascus, 2009. (in print, see contents)
- Vansteenhuyse, K., The Bronze to Iron Age Transition at Tell Tweini (Syria), in F. Venturi & S. Cecchini (eds), The Transition into the Syrian Iron Age, Proceedings of a conference held at Bologna, nov. 2007, Bologna. (in print)
Nationale pers
- Aardmagnetisme maakt antieke stad zichtbaar, De Standaard, vrijdag 16 juli 2004: 36. lees
- Waar de Zeevolkeren dood en vernieling zaaiden, De Standaard, woensdag 27 juli 2005: 18. lees
- Lemen huizen in het land der stenen, De Standaard, donderdag 22 november 2007: 35. lees
Lezingen en posters
- The First Interdisciplinary Tweini Workshop – 6th of March 2009 – Leuven aankondiging
– Bretschneider J. & K. Van Lerberghe, Resultaten van het recent archeologisch onderzoek.
– Marinova E. & V. Linseele, Results of the paleo paleo-botanical and archaeo-zoological research.
– Nys K. & K. Middernacht, Toekomstig onderzoek van het Cypriotisch aardewerk.
– Paulissen E. & D. Kaniewski, Resultaten van het palynologisch palynologisch-geo geografisch onderzoek.
– Heyvaert V., J. Walstra & C. Baeteman, Results of the geological research. - Hameeuw H., Egypt and Levantine Harbor Cities, Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean, Caïro, 26 – 28 oktober 2008 (poster). lees
- Bretschneider J. & K. Van Lerberghe, A tell with a view: Tell Tweini and its intercultural contacts in the Bronze and Early Iron Age. Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean, Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut, Caïro 26 – 29 oktober 2008 (lezing).
- Al-Maqdissi M., J. Bretschneider, P. Degryse, H. Hameeuw, D. Kaniewski, E. Paulissen & K. Van Lerberghe, Environmental changes in the Jebleh plain, Broadening Horizons. Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Past Landscapes, Gent, 27 tot 28.02.2006 (poster). lees
- Al-Maqdissi M., J. Bretschneider, H. Hameeuw, G. Jans, K. Vansteenhuyse, G. Voet & K. Van Lerberghe, Living with the dead. Tell Tweini: Middle Bronze Age Tombs in Urban Context, 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, 3 tot 8.04.2006 (poster). lees
- Bretschneider J. & K. Van Lerberghe, Das Reich von Ugarit vor und nach dem Seevlkersturm: Neue Forschungen in der Gibala Region, 52nd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Institut fr Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt Mnster, 17 tot 21.07.2006 (lezing).
- Vansteenhuyse K., M. Al-Maqdissi, P. Degryse & K. Van Lerberghe, The Distribution of Mycenaean Ceramics in the Kingdom of Ugarit, 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, 3 tot 8.04.2006 (poster). lees
- Al-Maqdissi M., M. Badawy, J. Bretschneider, H. Hameeuw, K. Vansteenhuyse & K. Van Lerberghe, Syro-Belgian Excavations at Tell Tweini, Syria – Occupation Levels of Tell Tweini and their Historical Implications, 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Chicago, 18 tot 22.07.2005 (poster). lees
- Bretschneider J., Vondsten en onderzoek in Syrië Recente opgravingen van de K.U.Leuven in Tell Beydar en Tell Tweini, Jaarlijkse vergadering van het Werkgezelschap voor de Archeologie van Palestina, Leuven, 04.11.2005 (lezing).
- Vansteenhuyse K., Op de grens van Ugarit: Tell Tweini en haar aardewerk, Jaarlijkse vergadering van het Werkgezelschap voor de Archeologie van Palestina, Leuven, 04.11.2005 (lezing).
- Vansteenhuyse K., M. Al-Maqdissi, J. Bretschneider & K. Van Lerberghe, Bichrome Ceramics from the Iron Age at Tell Tweini (Syria), Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Philadelphia, 2005 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J., Graves and Finds of the 2nd Millennium from Tell Tweini in the Context of the Jebleh Region, Workshop of the 4th International Congress on Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Berlin, 29.03 tot 03.04.2004 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J., M. Al-Maqdissi & K. Van Lerberghe, Tell Tweini, Ancient Gibala in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, 4th International Congress on Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Berlin, 29.03 tot 03.04.2004 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J. & K. Van Lerberghe, 5000 Jahre alte Stadtkulturen: 10 Jahre Ausgrabungen der W.W.U.Mnster und K.U.Leuven in Syrien, Institut fr Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Mnster, 18.11.2004 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J. & K. Van Lerberghe, Fouilles rcentes Tell Tweini, Table Ronde Syro-Belge. Nouvelles donnes sur les recherches archologiques syro-belges en Syrie. International Conference organised by La Direction Genrale des Antiquits et Muses, at the Salle Damascne, Muse National de Damas, Damascus, 01 tot 02.10.2003 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J., K. Vansteenhuyse, M. Al-Maqdissi, K. Van Lerberghe & J. Driessen, The Late Bronze Age at Tell Tweini, SCIEM 2000 – International Late Bronze Age Conference Wenen, Akademie der Wissenschaft, Wenen, 31.01.2003 (lezing).
- Boiy T., Gibala / Gabala. Jebleh in antiquity, International Workshop: The Syro-Lebanese Coastal Plain, Early Settlements, Leuven, 2002 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J., Preliminary Results of the Excavation at Tell Tweini / Jebleh, International Workshop: The Syro-Lebanese Coastal Plain, Early Settlements, Leuven, 2002 (lezing).
- Vansteenhuyse K., The Great House at Tell Tweini (Syria) and its Iron and Bronze Age Ceramics, 3rd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Paris, 2002 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J., Bronzezeitlichen Funde aus Tell Beydar und Tell Tweini, Wenen, Akademie der Wissenschaft in samenwerking met het Institut fr Orientalistik, Universitt Wien, 07.12.2001 (lezing).
- Bretschneider J., T. Cunningham & K. Van Lerberghe, A Phoenician Site at Tell Tweini, Jebleh in Syria, 102nd Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in San Diego, 2001 (lezing).